Personal Development

Being kind at work

#learningIsAGift ? #rituals of #theBeautifulJourney  #2021monthlyArticle series During October mental wellbeing was in focus and it got me thinking about it. I’ve remembered things that inspired me along my journey through life and my own revelations. And one of these is that: My life feels so much better when doing yoga! Maybe for other people […]

Yoga & Wellness

7 Breads

#learningIsAGift ?#rituals of #theBeautifulJourney  #2021monthlyArticle series I’ve only picked up a baking challenge during the 2nd lockdown in November 2020. Since then, it changed a bit and now it is a cooking/baking challenge i.e. every week I bake/cook something I’ve not done before. When I talk about this, I usually refer to it as “The […]

Personal Development

Consulting Skills

#learningIsAGift ?#rituals of #theBeautifulJourney  #2021monthlyArticle series This article is about another course provided by my employer that I was happy to take. Unlike the Lean Six Sigma one that I’ve done in my own time, this required work time committment. Very happy that I was enabled to do it! This course is intense! You can’t […]