Personal Development

Positives of Lockdown

#learningIsAGift ? #rituals of #theBeautifulJourney  I was saying in the 7 books article that I’m aiming to write an article per month. This is the second one. #2021monthlyArticle You know that saying “Go with the flow”? Well, if the world decided to go upside down, I just went along with it! ? The lockdown positives […]

Yoga & Wellness

Stress Physiology and Yoga

#goodMorningSunshine ?#morningsAreBeautiful ?#rituals of #theBeautifulJourney  This is week #15 of twice daily exercise started during lockdown. Mornings are dedicated to yoga, evenings to a mix of types of exercises. The evenings are continuing with Heather Robertson’s 12 week program, this having been the 6th week. On top of that I add my own selection of […]