The 7 Chakras
#goodMorningSunshine ?
#morningsAreBeautiful ?
#rituals of #theBeautifulJourney
Mornings, this week, were about the 7 day program that covers the chakras, run by Sianna Sherman, while the evening were the usual progression through the different body areas through various fitness and cardio exercises.
Each class in the program was dedicated to a chakra and talked about it while getting through the flow in a way that made it feel like a meditation. The mantras and a mudra for each chakra were practiced as well.
It was sweet that Sianna always had an item of clothing in the colour of the chakra. I’d like to practice like that. For me clothing became a form of creativity, of personal expression, and I fondly remember all the nice compliments I’ve got over years for this.
As this was my first chakra program, the beginning, I went and searched for more details, so I can create a mental image for myself and have a few basic details to which new information can attach and transform. This is my learning style, although it is not unique.
Below are a few images I’ve put together about the chakras.

There are various poses that activate the chakras, that get the energy flowing through those areas of the body. This is an aspect that I still need to study more, but in search of a chakra relevant pose, I’m thinking through this as …
- How can I get energy flowing in that area of the body?
- What is specific about that chakra? Its symbol, its meaning?
- What other symbols area associated with the chakras and what are their characteristics? (the elements)
- What asana reflects these meanings while enabling an energy flow? Create heat, openness, stability, ease of being etc?
I’ve put together another image that can inspire the choice of asanas for the different chakras.

For the third eye chakra, Sianna was offering the alternative of using the yoga block as a rest for the forehead in various poses that could not have the forehead touching the ground, to stimulate that area. Aligning breath with the movements is also essential.
Until next time … enjoy the colourful world!
This has been week #12 of daily exercise started during lockdown.
- the image of the woman was taken from